Googles Core Update May 2020 – How To Restore Your Rankings

Google rolled out yet another algorithm update on May 4th 2020. The Google Core Update 2020 involves major changes to their algorithm – and as a result, core updates typically impact large numbers of websites. 

If you don’t monitor your rankings closely – you should go check your rankings right now! You may find that your site rankings have dropped unexpectedly. Look at your Google Analytics – did your traffic volumes fall for no apparent reason? These are all signs that your site was impacted by this update – and there are things you need to know if you want your rankings and traffic to rebound.

Review your rankings and Analytics data closely. Prior to this update, many businesses were affected with a sudden onset of volatility in their search rankings starting the 4th week of April and then continuing throughout May and into June.

Search rankings across the board have been highly volatile – not only affecting small business but LARGE scale web power houses like Spotify, CreditKarma, LinkedIn, and 

So pay attention and I am going to walk you through how you can rebound from Google Core Update May 2020.

Step 1 – Audit Your Website, Fix the SEO Errors 

One of the key takeaways I have from reviewing the similarities and differences between sites that rose in rankings vs those that dropped, was the number of SEO errors on the sites that lost rankings. It seems there is a correlation between then number of SEO errors on the site and a loss of overall rankings.

This correlation prompted a deeper dive into the actual SEO errors that were most prevalent on the impacted sites. It seems there are 2 errors in particular that bring with them the largest penalties.

Research reveals that pages/sites that have multiple or duplicate title and meta description tags experienced a greater loss of rankings vs pages that had other types of SEO errors. In fact, 48% of the sites with large numbers of pages that have these errors saw a 10% or more decrease in traffic practically overnight.

Data correlation also demonstrated that sites with high numbers of SEO errors (regardless of the type of error) experienced the greatest losses of rankings and traffic volumes.So audit your site and get the SEO Errors fixed! Googles Core Update May 2020 will reward you for doing so.

Step 2 – Beef Up Your Content 

When we track rankings, we track all kinds of metrics about the pages that we are tracking as well. 

On the highest levels, we’re talking about tracking Domain Authority and Page Authority – but the tracking also includes much lower level details such as character counts, word counts, title counts, etc.

This data is important because for some of the constructs that contribute to SEO, there are character limits. But that data also paints a picture for Google about the effectiveness of the site and its content.

Almost half of all the websites out there suffer from at least 1 page on their site having this issue – its called “thin content”.

“Thin content” basically means pages on your site that have a really low word count. Typically you will find thin content on contact pages, about pages and even home pages – but they can occur anywhere.

Research indicates that pages with 1500 words or more, with very structured headings and sections rose in rankings while pages with “thin content” issues fell on average 300% more than pages affected with other issues.

Based on these findings, it will pay off to “beef up your content”. First review your site for pages with thin content issues and then follow this procedure to decide what to do about the affected pages:

Compare your page to your competitions page. Run a Google search for the keyword your page is supposed to rank for and look at the pages of everyone that ranks above you. What do their pages offer that your page doesn’t? Make notes and then use these notes to expand your page. Pay attention to the structure of the content, as well as how many words are on the page. 

Are more words necessary? – Don’t add words to your page when its not needed. Remember, SEO isn’t just about satisfying Googles’ Algorithm – its about satisfying your visitors user experience. If you can add value to your content by adding words – DO IT. If you can add additional value through the use of images and videos – DO THAT TOO. If you can’t make things any better than they already are move on to the next question.

Does it make any sense to keep the page? If a page provides poor value to your visitor and it doesn’t need more words or supporting content, then you may want to delete it and redirect the url to another page on your site. Don’t keep content that isn’t beneficial or relevant.

Step 3 – Keep Your Content Updated

SEO is all about what? Content and User Experience. Im sure you all know that you should be publishing to your site regularly, sharing the content via email and social media and using the new content to target new keywords – these are the standard issue SEO tactics that all sites should be doing.

But what do you do with all the content that you’ve already put out over previous months and years? Review it and make it current!

Im not talking about correcting spelling or grammar issues – or adding some images (that’s OK where necessary). Im talking about making old information relevant, adding new sections and details that weren’t there before will add new value to an otherwise old page and its content. The Google Core update May 2020 seems to be favoring this.

Of the approximately 500 sites measured – the sites that were regularly adding new content and updating old content rose on average by 12% in traffic while, sites with old stale traffic declined by nearly the same amount.

Only 5% of sites that updated their content regularly saw a dip of 10% or more – and these issues were typically correlated to large #’s of SEO errors on the page and site.

So review your old blog articles and site pages and update the information to make your pages more relevant, informative and engaging.


Pay attention to the above review points and address them– if you do you’ll quickly realize that fixing them will create a better user experience and create more value on your website. Remember – this isn’t about satisfying Googles Algorithm – its about providing a better user experience than your competition.

If you shift your perspective and focus on providing valuable content and a great user experience – you will regain your lost rankings and traffic WHILE satisfying Google’s goal of providing the best experience and most relevant results to its users.

Use the tips above to regain your lost rankings and beat your competitors after the Google Core Update 2020.

If you need any help with with your website or its Search Engine Optimization – Call Media Giant Design at (772) 205-3584 and take advantage of a Free Site Audit and Consultation. 

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